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Northwoods Digital Home

GA4 Hub

Your GA4 How-Tos and Best Practices Resource

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GA4 is the biggest overhaul of Google Analytics to-date. So if you're already loving GA4 or are struggling to get used to the new interface, don't worry – our expert digital marketing and analytics team is here to help. 

Get Help with All Things GA4!

We've built a resource hub to share best practices and tips for setting up and managing your GA4 instance in the hopes of reducing your stress and increasing your enthusiasm about this seismic shift. We add new resources often, so be sure to check back again soon!

hand drawn map and pin

Northwoods' GA4 Resources

Videos | Blog Posts | Webinars | Other




The GA4 E-Commerce Model

E-Commerce Purchase Journey in GA4

Tips to Get the Most from GA4

When to Transition to GA4

Cross Domain Tracking in GA4

GA4 Debug View

UA Events in a GA4 World

Getting Started With GA4

Google BigQuery


Blog Posts


Other Resources

Google Analytics Resources

Troubleshooting GA4

hand-drawn bird, chirping

"We hired Northwoods for our GA4 configuration and reporting. We can honestly say we were lost in the woods until we found Northwoods. We have been beyond impressed with their expert knowledge of GA4 and setting up our accounts to provide a robust analytics experience.

They are also a pleasure to work with – not only personality-wise, but they thought ahead during our project, delivered on time, and helped troubleshoot and resolve issues that our team had along the way. They are the extra muscle every digital team needs."

- Taryn Rejholec, Manager of Digital Strategies | Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)/State University of New York

hand drawing of an acorn

Need Help with GA4? Let's Connect!


Follow Fred Pike, GA/GTM Freak & Northwoods Analytics Practice Lead

Headshot of Fred Pike, Managing Partner of NorthwoodsFollow Fred on social media for more expert tips and insights.

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