Whether you’re planning a website redesign or have just finished one, now’s the time to make fast friends (dare we even say, BFFs) with UX! Identifying necessary changes and measuring their performance is critical to ensuring your new site is meeting your users’ and your business’s needs. That’s where UX – and specifically UX research, testing and auditing – comes in.
Learn about the various phases of UX work and the value of prototypes in the UX design and testing process, and see how a strong focus on UX has helped several of our clients plan for and measure redesign success.
Everyone who attends live will be entered into a drawing for a free mini-UX audit! To be eligible, attendees must have a valid business email. The winner will be notified by email within one week after the webinar.
Key Take Aways
- Why UX research and design are critical to your website redesign – and business – success
- The value of prototypes in the UX design and testing process
- Case studies of how UX projects have positively impacted our clients' website user experience
- Different approaches to UX based on your needs and budget
Who Should Attend
- CMOs
- Marketing Directors/Managers
- Digital Marketing Directors/Managers
- Web Designers
- Business Owners